Monday, April 19, 2010

ok my sugar high is over...

I am still so so happy with the way today happened... but to be honest, I have talked to other parents about this issue and posted my blog like everywhere and I feel like no one else cares sometimes. I have to ask, WTH is wrong with people that they can't care about this very very important part of their children's lives!? Or maybe they do but their solution is to send their kids lunch in a lunch box. Well that's not right either folks! It's not just about my kids, it's about all of our children, it's about yours, mine and the entire neighborhoods kids! They deserve better! Sure I could do better for just my kids, but why stop there? Why not try to do better for them all? This self serving attitude really makes me mad and just is not the example I want to set for my children. I would love to know that it isn't jut me and Mesquite Mom here in DFW who care. Where is everyone?


  1. Proud of you! You are digging and getting answers and being fair. I printed out the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and will wade through it, then start on the files for the current hearing for the 2010 guidelines. What I see as hard - the "progress" made in the food industry over the last 50 years has taken turns that "we, the people" aka consumers, had no idea were coming, are there, or the long-term effects. Now, we are more aware, but where is our power? In numbers! I stand behind you, let me know what I can do.

  2. Thank you Taffy. I am so glad to hear someone else cares! I am going to post a follow up to this because I had another conversation with yet another friend who just isn't where I am.


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