Thursday, April 22, 2010


There will be no pictures today. Lance is home sick, AGAIN! He has missed almost 15 days of school this year alone. My two older kids never get sick like this.

I challenged Kyra yesterday. I told her about what was in the flavored milks she is drinking, explained it all to her and thought that since she liked it so much I would still leave the choice up to her but I would really love it is she had white milk 4 days of the week and drank a flavored milk only one time a week. I left her to think on that. This morning she said she was going to do it. It is amazing what kids will do with just a little bit of education.


  1. i didn't realize this involved you!

    your son may be getting sick because of...

  2. you know what I love about all of that, if it were headed for your standard grocery store it wouldn't have been recalled but because it was headed to government run school it was recalled. I just got done watching Food Inc and so now my view on foods is even more tainted.
    Lance had swine flu this year and it kept him out for over a week and then he has had various other incidents of sick too.
    We just got back form the chiro and hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow. But you are right it could very well be one of these things.


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