Friday, April 16, 2010

I need to Apologize and Clarify

Ok so earlier this week I sent an apology letter to our school Principal and to the NFS Director for the flack she is getting because I have created this stir. I do not in any way regret that I have created the stir, but I am sorry that they are coming to her questioning why I could be so upset. The reality is that I am not so much upset with her, or our school district but everyone who over the last several decades has allowed our FNS system to get to the point where we actually have to question what our kids are eating. That blame is on everyone's shoulders... mine, yours, the kids, the teachers, the beuracrats, politicians, businessmen and women... etc. We are all to blame for turning a blind eye.
Today I will also be apologizing to our head lunch lady because I can see that it has hit the fan at our school as well. It appears she has a bunch of pressure come down on her and she might not know it was me who started this all. I do know she has no control over the menu... she does everything she can but our menus are made at district level not school level.
I am really eager to find out what I can do to help make this better for our kids. Monday is not coming soon enough for me right now!

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